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Save the date! Our 2021 It Takes a Region Conference will be held online, the week of Monday, November 8th to Thursday, November 11th.
This year’s conference will be completely online. We are extremely disappointed that we won’t be able to convene in person in Providence this fall, but the public health concerns with COVID are of too much concern right now and we want to make sure all of our attendees are safe and healthy. However, we are really excited by the program lineup that is coming together, and we look forward to a virtual connection with all of you this November.
Registration is now open and scholarships are available if needed.
Our Conference Theme is Resistance and Healing Amidst Crisis and Injustice. These past 13 months have challenged us in ways many couldn’t have imagined with multiple, intersecting crises that have laid bare and deepened the injustices BIPOC and frontline communities have always dealt with and provided ominous warning for climate change and other catastrophes that lay ahead. In this time of significant uncertainty mixed with tentative hope, we believe that the work of creating a sustainable, equitable and just farm and food system for all means that we must listen to the entire story. We need to hear the struggles, particularly the least visible ones, how we rise to meet them, and most importantly, what we can learn from all of it. Read more about our theme here.
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