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7th Annual 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge


You (along with thousands of other people across the US and beyond) commit to deepening your understanding of, and willingness to confront, racism for twenty-one consecutive days. The Challenge will raise your awareness, change your understanding and shift the way you behave.

A Call to Address Climate Change: Food Producer Perspectives on the Path Forward


As the growing climate crisis impacts food producers across the country, the call for a Just Transition toward climate resilience is echoing in the halls of Congress.  In response, the Biden administration has made climate change adaptation a top priority for the U.S. government.

The National Family Farm Coalition, Friends of the Earth US, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, and Organic Consumers Association invite you to a free webinar on Thursday, April 8, from 2:30pm to 4:00pm Eastern. You may register here.

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