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7th Annual 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge


You (along with thousands of other people across the US and beyond) commit to deepening your understanding of, and willingness to confront, racism for twenty-one consecutive days. The Challenge will raise your awareness, change your understanding and shift the way you behave.

Growing Racial Equity & Food Justice With School Gardens


April is National Garden Month 🌱 School gardens are an integral part of farm to school and offer meaningful opportunities to engage youth in both learning about and contributing to racial equity and justice in the food system. Join National Farm to School Network on Tuesday, April 20 at 3pm ET for a Coffee Chat conversation on Facebook Live with Krystal Oriadha (National Farm to School Network, Senior Director of Programs & Policy) joined by special guests Betti Wiggins (Houston Independent School District, Officer of Nutrition Services) and Dorothy Grady-Scarbrough (Mississippi Farm to School Network Co-Director and Founder of Mississippians Engaged in Greener Agriculture) to hear their experiences, ideas, and visions for how gardening with youth can advance racial equity and food sovereignty in our communities

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