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The Now What?! Global Gathering (online)


Join fellow travelers from October 25 through November 19 to practice "the art of being fully human in a time of crisis"

Four weeks to connect, share gifts, learn, and support one another in our work and our lives

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Monthly FoodComms Café


Hosted by our food system communicators "circle of practice." This event is a monthly connectivity session for people doing values-based food systems communications work of any kind (includes at least some of: equity, justice, resilience, sustainability, democracy).

Webinar: The Right to Food Referendum in Maine


On November 2nd, Question 3 will be on the ballot statewide, giving Mainers the opportunity to vote on whether to enshrine a Right to Food in Maine’s Constitution.

MOFGA supports Question 3, and we invite you to join us for a conversation featuring leaders of the Yes on 3 Campaign to learn more about it. MOFGA Board member Senator Craig Hickman and Heather Retberg (Quill’s End Farm in Penobscot) will talk about how this amendment will empower all of us to address the badly broken food system and create a new one that is healthy and fair for all of us. 

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