FSNE Network Team Meeting
OnlineMonthly meeting of FSNE's current Network Team. Contact FSNE with questions.
Thank you for visiting this events page. Please submit food system events so that we can include them in this listing.
Monthly meeting of FSNE's current Network Team. Contact FSNE with questions.
Join us in this Community of Practice – a space to explore and learn together about what it could mean to decolonize our work around networks
Always wanted to set up a food pantry on campus, but feeling overwhelmed on how to get started? Created a food pantry but not sure where to get the continued funding or staffing? Food pantries can be helpful for combating food insecurity on campus yet establishing one can feel daunting without the right buy-in, infrastructure, and support. Join speakers Nicole Reilly from University of Vermont and Annie Ciaraldi from UMass Lowell to learn strategies for effectively establishing your food pantry and sustaining it for the long term. From marketing to interdepartmental networking, establishing critical partnerships on campus and in the local community can greatly help your food pantry.
Please join Aziz Dehkan, Executive Director for Connecticut Roundtable on Climate and Jobs, and Kip Kolesinskas, Conservation Scientist, for a discussion about their experiences with climate change and how Connecticut Food System Alliance (CFSA) can integrate climate action into our food system planning.
Join us for a 1.5 hour presentation with farmworker leaders from Vermont’s dairy industry. Learn more about Milk with Dignity, the current Hannaford campaign and how to get involved!
Farmworkers from Vermont are hitting the road this fall to spread the word about Milk with Dignity! Throughout the Corona Crisis, migrant farmworkers continue to work day in and day out to produce the milk and dairy products that line supermarket shelves. Join Migrant Justice for a 1.5 hour presentation to learn more about farmworkers’ groundbreaking Milk with Dignity program which brings together farmworkers, consumers, farmer owners and corporate buyers with the principal goal of fostering a sustainable Northeast dairy industry that advances the human rights of farmworkers, supports the long-term interests of farm owners, and provides an ethical supply chain for retail food companies and consumers. We know that the cows don't milk themselves: Learn more about how you can get involved and help expand this powerful solution to the Hannaford supermarket’s supply chain.
Join fellow travelers from October 25 through November 19 to practice "the art of being fully human in a time of crisis"
Four weeks to connect, share gifts, learn, and support one another in our work and our lives
Measuring food insecurity is critical for developing food assistance programs; evaluating nutrition, health and development initiatives; and informing food policy across sectors. This panel will discuss how food insecurity is measured. We will speak with experts to explore how food insecurity has been measured and if new tools are needed to accurately assess food insecurity following the COVID-19 pandemic.
Economic injustices abound, particularly in and through food and agricultural systems, from corporate monopolies to labor exploitation to trade dumping. This panel dives into the fundamental cost-price squeeze, debt, and concentration at the heart of the dominant agricultural political economy. As part of the year-long Disparity to Parity webinar series, this event gathers practitioners and analysts to unpack the economic inequities--and economic justice potential--of farm policy.
Please join Winton Pitcoff, Director, MA Food System Collaborative, and Tanya Swain, Project Director, the Maine Food Strategy, as they present their states’ food plans and discuss the methods they used to craft each one. Your input is critical and will be used to draft the food action plan.
Farmworkers and other agricultural laborers, such as those working in meat processing and packing facilities, are on the frontlines of toxic pesticide exposure and other human rights violations. Farm work is one of the most dangerous professions and continues a legacy of agricultural injustice and racism in the United States. When we participate in an industrial agricultural system, we participate in the oppression of farmworkers. Join us as we hear from Araceli and Elisa, two farmworker women, and Lariza Garzón, the Executive Director of the Episcopoal Farmworker Ministry as they share their experiences and ideas for creating change.
Hosted by our food system communicators "circle of practice." This event is a monthly connectivity session for people doing values-based food systems communications work of any kind (includes at least some of: equity, justice, resilience, sustainability, democracy).
On November 2nd, Question 3 will be on the ballot statewide, giving Mainers the opportunity to vote on whether to enshrine a Right to Food in Maine’s Constitution.
MOFGA supports Question 3, and we invite you to join us for a conversation featuring leaders of the Yes on 3 Campaign to learn more about it. MOFGA Board member Senator Craig Hickman and Heather Retberg (Quill’s End Farm in Penobscot) will talk about how this amendment will empower all of us to address the badly broken food system and create a new one that is healthy and fair for all of us.
The Women, Food, and Agriculture Network offers a platform, with our conference, to advocate and agitate for social transformation in our lives, communities, and shared work. We are committing to the following statements as our guiding 2021 WFAN Conference principles--and we invite you to join us.
Join CFSA and Curtis Ogden for a workshop on building a network in service of food system change.
Are networking events the bane of your professional existence? Do you understand the value but loathe the process of forging these professional relationships? There’s a better, more sustainable way! Please join Curtis Ogden, Senior Associate at the Institute for Social Change, for a workshop on building a network in service of food system change. Leave your notions of transactional and competitive networking behind as we learn how to build solidarity through collaboration. This session will be a presentation followed by some discussion and activity about building the network.
Join Indigenous Seed Keeper Rowen White and Black cook activist Jocelyn Jackson to dream into a food culture of liberation & care on November 4th, at the first Around The Table event of RFRS' new virtual series.
How can we reclaim our shared food culture to feed our collective care, healing, liberation, and joy? This is the question at the heart of Real Food Real Stories' (RFRS) November 4th virtual roundtable. Join celebrated food activists, Mohawk Seed Keeper and farmer Rowen White and Black culinary artist and Peoples Kitchen Collective co-founder Jocelyn Jackson, for an electrifying conversation on decolonizing mainstream food culture, and the role food culture plays in shaping our lives, stories, and dreams for the future.
A new virtual series, Around The Table events feature informal conversations with thought leaders, elders, organizers, and culture-bearers working at the intersection of food, culture, place, and power. Together, we take a deep dive––sinking our teeth into the juicy stories, live questions, and challenging conversations buzzing in our ecosystems.
Young Farmers 7th Annual National Leadership Convergence will be held virtually as the second half of a two-year event with the theme of “Achieving Equity Through Agriculture.“ In 2021 we will gather in a hybrid virtual and in-person format to move from learning to action to make equitable change in our own food and farming communities.
Last Convergence four hundred farmers, ranchers, and supporters from across the country gathered virtually for a week in November to build a shared understanding of the racist histories of American agriculture, and how we came to have the food and farming systems we do today.
Save the date! Our 2021 It Takes a Region Conference will be held online, the week of Monday, November 8th to Thursday, November 11th.
This year’s conference will be completely online. We are extremely disappointed that we won’t be able to convene in person in Providence this fall, but the public health concerns with COVID are of too much concern right now and we want to make sure all of our attendees are safe and healthy. However, we are really excited by the program lineup that is coming together, and we look forward to a virtual connection with all of you this November.
This fourth and final session in our annual summit will recap the previous three and give attendees an opportunity to reflect on what they learned. This will also be an opportunity to develop a set of actions that attendees can take away from the series and bring into their own advocacy. Connecticut Food System Alliance (CFSA) is hoping to use information from this summit to inform the creation of a food action plan.
Monthly meeting of FSNE's current Network Team. Contact FSNE with questions.
The New England State Food Systems Planners Partnership, composed of the six leading NGOs responsible for supporting development and implementation of their state’s food system plan and part of the Food Solutions New England regional network, is leading the New England Feeding New England Project. Our mission is to expand and fortify the region’s food supply and distribution systems to ensure the availability of adequate, affordable, socially, and culturally appropriate products under a variety of rapidly changing climate, environmental, and public health conditions. We are creating a roadmap to achieve our short-term goal that by 2030, 30% of the food consumed in New England is harvested, produced, raised, and caught within New England.
We are inviting you to a discussion and quarterly information meeting on November 16, 2021 from 12:15-1:30pm.
Join us for another insightful conversation with Barbie Izquierdo, Jimmieka Mills, and Diane Sullivan on how and why organizations should engage people with lived and living experiences with hunger and poverty.
During this conversation the team will welcome a special guest, Alissa Beers of the Center for Health Care Strategies, to highlight practical tips for centering the knowledge and perspectives of community members with lived and living experiences. The group will share learnings around how organizations can develop effective and sustainable partnerships and will hold time to address audience questions.
Monthly meeting of FSNE's current Network Team. Contact FSNE with questions.
As part of Agricultural Literacy Week in Vermont, join NOFA-VT and the Dept of Libraries for an evening with storytellers, Joseph and Jesse Bruchac. They will present a bilingual program of Native stories and songs from Abenaki traditions that link us to the land.
November 18 & 19, 2021 | Virtual
Join us for this important Farm to Plate Network Gatheringas we kick off implementation of the new Vermont Agriculture and Food System Strategic Plan 2021-2030!
The 2021 Farm to Plate Gathering will be hosted virtually, as it was in 2020. The Gathering will be held on November 18th and 19th, 2021.
Since the Strategic Plan was released in February we have been redesigning the Farm to Plate Network to engage new members and more effectively work towards the Plan’s new vision and goals. At this Gathering we will explore the new Network structure, hear from a wide variety of presenters about the implementation efforts already taking place, and commit to collective action on the plan’s Priority Strategies.
Thank you for visiting this events page. Please submit food system events so that we can include them in this listing.