Strategic Collective Communications: A Workbook for Building Solidarity and Reshaping Communications

Download Strategic Collective Communications: A Workbook for Building Solidarity and Reshaping Communications

Cover to Strategic Collective Communications: A workbook for building solidarity and reshaping communications with a blue background and photo of a farmer in the field up top and folks at a rally on the bottom.We are stronger and our impact is greater when we work together. This sense of collectivism is written into mission statements, strategic plans, and business models. And for many, it is a driving force behind the work we set out to accomplish.

Yet, when it comes to creating a communications strategy, we often find ourselves going it alone. Decisions about which narratives to lift up are made among internal circles with a hope that, at best, partners and other communities are also evoking a similar, shared vision of the world to their audiences. In turn, the resulting framing and messaging produced from these narratives yield an individualized, ego-driven communications that focus on our own work, accomplishments, and accolades rather than those of the broader network in which we operate. Whether this is due to lack of time, money, a perceived lack of skills or, even, a learned scarcity mindset, the results are the same – competition among like-minded groups and a diminished possibility of true narrative shifts.

So is this way of doing communications work actually serving us, our missions, or our communities?

Instead, imagine grounding communication strategies firmly within the values of collaboration and collectivism that are interwoven throughout our business and organizational missions. Think about the power that could be amassed if, as communicators, we prioritized coming together to discuss and organize around Strategic Collective Narratives, practiced Communal Framing, and crafted stories, built skills, and celebrated success in Solidarity with one another and our communities. What would happen if instead of competing for likes and press hits and influence that centers only our work, we were striving to resonate with and reverberate off one another; to lift each other up and amplify our collective voices; to rest easy knowing that our partner’s success is also our success because we’re all in this together?

That is the work of Strategic Collective Communications.

Strategic Collective Communications is a communications framework grounded in solidarity with community and fellow communicators. It asks practitioners to approach communications through collaboration and to build collective knowledge, practices, strategies, and strategic collective narratives with communities and partners to inform individualized communications plans and goals while working in solidarity with one another.

This workbook aims to help communicators conceptualize, create, and participate in a Strategic Collective Communications framework while simultaneously reaching their individualized communications goals. The pages of the workbook will provide instructions and insights gleaned from communications practitioners in the field. Everything presented is fluid, and feedback is welcomed.

We share this all freely because we’d love for others working in or around food systems to join us in the active organizing that continues to take place and the framework can certainly be adapted for different industries, sectors, and issues. What is produced from these processes will almost definitely look different than what is shared in the workbook but ultimately, those working in the various industries, sectors, and issues will know what will best suit their needs.

So, please download the workbook to use, share, and provide feedback. Only in solidarity will we build a truly resilient and just future.

Download Strategic Collective Communications: A Workbook for Building Solidarity and Reshaping Communications