The FSNE Pledge

Close-up of a plant with the text “FSNE Pledge! I support a just, healthy and resilient food system for all”Join the movement for a just, sustainable, and resilient food system across New England. Sign the FSNE Pledge!

Food Solutions New England envisions a powerful food movement that democratically transforms New England’s food system so that it is sustainable, just, and resilient. We invite individuals and organizations to join us by taking the Pledge and demonstrating your commitment to these values and the strengthening of our regional food system.

The Food Solutions New England Pledge

I/We envision a regional New England food system that is sustainable, just, and resilient. I/we agree to:

  • Advance a food system that supports democratic empowerment in all its forms. A just food system requires the active participation of as many people as possible across New England. We celebrate and value engagement in our shared civic life by everyone living in our region.
  • Commit to using our power to support racial equity and dignity for all. Fairness, inclusiveness, and solidarity must guide our food future. We believe that racism must be undone in order to achieve an equitable food system.
  • Lift up and support the principles and practices of sustainability in its many forms. Sustainability commits us to ensure well-being for people, animals, and the lands and waters we all depend on for life, now and in the future. We know that the health of our food system is interdependent with that of these lands and waters, as well as of our democracy, our culture and our economy.
  • Build trust among diverse people, organizations, businesses, networks, and communities in order to ensure a thriving regional food system that works for everyone. Collaboration is key to our long-term success in creating the sustainable, just and resilient food system we envision, and trust is the lifeblood of collaboration.
  • Work together to make meaningful progress toward the stronger and more resilient regional food system embodied by the New England Food Vision.

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Download a PDF copy of the Pledge

Frequently Asked Questions

The FSNE Pledge was created to demonstrate the collective commitment to a shared vision and set of values by individuals, organizations, businesses, and agencies across New England. This demonstration of alignment helps the whole network coordinate action and enables increased communication and connectivity across the network. We recognize that we are all in different places on our journey toward realizing these values.
The FSNE pledge was developed by members of the FSNE Steering Committee, in consultation with the FSNE Network Team. The Pledge is based on shared network values that evolved over many years.
  • Any individual, organization, agency, business or group that agrees with all parts of the Pledge can sign on.
  • Pledge signers who work and/or live in New England will be invited to be directly involved in various network-building activities (see "What happens after I/we sign the pledge?")
  • Pledge signers outside of New England will be listed as "Supporters" of FSNE's work.
All Pledge Signers:
  1. Your name will be added to the online list of Pledge signers and supporters, showing your commitment to transforming and strengthening our regional food system. And, if you're not already subscribed, you'll be added to FSNE’s mailing list. You may opt out of emails at any time.
  2. You will receive a digital FSNE Pledge supporter “badge” to add to your website, social media accounts, or other outreach materials.
For Pledge signers who live and/or work in New England:
  1. All of the above, plus...
  2. You will be invited to contribute your news for sharing with the regional network.
  3. You will also be invited to participate in network activities like the New England Food Summit and other regional events, the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge, etc.
  4. You'll be the first to be alerted when there are regional calls-to-action, volunteer opportunities or other chances to support regional food system transformation in line with the Pledge values.
Signing on to the Pledge is a good-faith gesture of support and commitment to learning, growing, and living into the Pledge values. We are all at different levels in our understanding and abilities to help advance the values described in the Pledge. Food Solutions New England reserves the right to review any Pledge signer whose operational values may be in opposition to the values presented in the Pledge.
We recommend that you make sure that the leadership (or leadership team) of your organization or business has read the Pledge and agrees that your work is aligned with the contents of the Pledge (which can take many different forms). Feel free to shared this web page or the PDF version of the Pledge with them. We do not require "proof" of their approval and taking the step of signing on as an organization is based on the honor system and that you have authorization to do so.
Thanks for asking! Transforming our regional food system is a big job and there are many important roles to play, large and small. Here’s a list of some ways you can take action and get involved.
Contact our staff by sending a note via our contact page and we will get back to you as quickly as possible!

Sign the Pledge

  • What is your (or your organization's) focus or area of interest within the food system? Please select all that apply.
  • I understand that by submitting this form, I am signing the Food Solutions New England Pledge and that my name will appear as a signatory on the Food Solutions New England website.
  • Can you share how you plan to (or are already working to) advance the Pledge in your work, community or daily life?
  • The work of the FSNE network is made possible via grants, gifts, donations and in-kind support. Would you like us to contact you regarding any of the following?
  • Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.