A woman giving a speech to a small gathering captioned “Democratic empowerment”

Democratic Empowerment


Shared Network Values

Food Solutions New England is a multi-racial network made up of many different people, organizations, businesses, and groups whose approaches and strategies vary, even as we work toward a common goal of building a just, sustainable and resilient food system that works for everyone.

We endeavor to lead with these values, both in how we function as a network, as entities within that network, as well as in the aspects food system we are trying to create. 

What We Believe

Together, our network is aligned around - and guided by - four shared values. We collectively believe that the food system we are trying to create must include substantial progress in all these areas, alongside increasing the consumption of regionally produced foods and strengthening our regional food economy and culture.

Democratic Empowerment:

We celebrate and value the political power of the people. A just food system depends on the active participation of all people in New England.

Racial Equity and Dignity for All:

We believe that racism must be undone in order to achieve an equitable food system. Fairness, inclusiveness, and solidarity must guide our food future.


We know that our food system is interconnected with the health of our environment, our democracy, our economy, and our culture. Sustainability commits us to ensure well-being for people and the landscapes and communities in which we are all embedded and rely upon for the future of life on our planet.


We consider trust to be the lifeblood of collaboration and collaboration as the key to our long-term success. We are committed to building connections and trust across diverse people, organizations, networks, and communities to support a thriving food system that works for everyone.

If this sounds good to you, please sign on to the FSNE Pledge and let us know you are on board!