Alert Re: #Massachusetts Shellfish Initiative for December 4th

From our network partners Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance.
We received word that a Massachusetts Shellfish Initiative (MSI) Taskforce meeting is taking place tomorrow, Friday, December 4th at 9:00am ET and that there will be an opportunity for public comment between 11:00am and 11:30am ET. We encourage anyone who lives in Massachusetts to show up virtually and oppose this effort!
Here’s the deal. The Massachusetts Shellfish Initiative was formed a few years ago to create a strategic plan for scaling up shellfish aquaculture development in Massachusetts. In short order, state legislators introduced H.746 which included provisions that would turn shellfish aquaculture licenses into a transferable commodity and eliminate the 15-year maximum duration of the license, paving the way for perpetual leasing. This development would likely undermine Indigenous harvesting rights and push small-scale shellfish harvesters out of the market.
While this legislation has not passed thanks to the efforts of our local allies, the fight is far from over. A huge threat still exists that underwater acreage which is currently part of the “Public Trust” will become privatized. A big aquaculture trade group is a powerful stakeholder in this Initiative, while Indigenous tribes do not have a seat at the table and public input from other community members is inadequate.
If you live in Massachusetts and can attend this meeting, please show up and make your voice heard! Let’s demand that Indigenous tribes have a seat at the table and emphasize the importance of protecting the Public Trust from privatization. Below are the Zoom meeting details:

Date: Friday, December 4, 2020

Time: 9:00am to 11:30am ET (The public comment period begins at 11:00am)
Webinar Link:
Dial In: 1-929-436-2866
Webinar ID: 828 1205 7439
Webinar Passcode: 575248