Integrated Regional Policy

Upclose photo of eggplants with text that reads

Introducing the FSNE Campaign for Climate Resilience


Our Campaign for Climate Resilience webpage will serve as a repository of stories, resources, campaigns, call-to-actions, issue briefs, and more. We will use this collection to further define the narrative of climate resilience as well as the grounding to launch convenings, conversations, and info sessions. It's our hope to make space and opportunity for people throughout New England to imagine, create, participate, and contribute to efforts to build climate resilience through a Just Transition in ways that work best for them and are grounded in the New England Food Vision and values.


Posted: December 2023

Building Through Integrated Approaches:

Climate Resilience and Policy


"If our work protects biodiversity at the expense of land justice, addresses the housing crisis at the expense of ecosystem protections, or works to end hunger by pumping money into a charitable food system dependent on commodity agriculture, we, at best, forgo the maximum impact of our work by remaining isolated in our individual fields, or, at worst, continue to do damage to our communities and ecosystems in which we are all embedded."

Posted: November 2023

Farming for Community and Resilience in NH

Kearsarge Food Hub Love Loval Video Series


"One thing we’ve learned here at Kearsarge Food Hub is food security IS farmer security. Our farmers and producers are absolutely fundamental to the health and wellness of our communities, supporting us with the foods they grow and make, and the ways they tend the land.  Our farmers are on the front lines of not only experiencing the effects of climate change on their businesses but combating and mitigating its effects for the area they work and live.

In the Love Local Video Series, we visit four farms in New Hampshire and Vermont that have contended with the weather this year and, like all farmers, have had to find their way to make it through."

Posted: November 2023

Environmental Justice:

An Interview with Dr. Bindu Panikkar


"Environmental justice (EJ) is a fundamental movement that strives to address the disparities in the distribution of environmental burdens and benefits, ensuring that all individuals have access to a safe and healthy environment. As Food Solutions New England works toward a New England Food Vision, with the network grounding its work in the values of democratic empowerment, racial equity and dignity for all, trust, and sustainability, there is much to be learned and done in concert with the movement for environmental justice.

Posted: October 2023

Resilience from the Ground Up

New England Soil Health and Policy Action Update


"Healthy soil has far-reaching social and environmental ramifications for our regional food systems – community food security and nutrition, farmer livelihoods, farm worker health, and more."

FSNE hopes that this update serves to bridge awareness of policy and action taking place across New England, state-by-state and beyond, as it pertains to supporting the building of healthy soils.

Posted: October 2023

An Interview with

Boston Food Forest Coalition Stewards


"Boston Food Forest Coalition’s work emphasizes and brings to life the pivotal role that trees, food forests, and urban green spaces can play in response to a changing climate. Across Boston, momentum is growing in support of equitably-distributed green space as a tool in building more climate-resilient communities."

Posted: September 2023

Soil Equity & Climate Resilience

Boston Food Forest Coalition


"Climate Resilience is our collective ability to creatively respond to the impacts of our changing climate. Building climate resilience necessitates both ecological resources (like healthy soil, trees and greenery, clean air, etc.) and social resources (like access to public green space, free time to invest in climate action, etc.). In our toolbox of mechanisms for building climate resilience, healthy soil is one critically important resource."

Posted: September 2023

Beyond Business as Usual: The Farm Bill as a Catalyst for Building Climate Resilience in NE


At Food Solutions New England (FSNE), we seek true solutions that inspire innovation in the farm bill en route to a climate resilient food system for New England. We advocate for moving towards a holistic, cross-sectional approach to addressing root causes. We aim to mobilize the power of our large network to proactively engage in collective and cooperative action for a Just Transition. For this reason, we have reviewed and synthesized federal farm bill policies, platforms, priorities and calls to action that align with the New England Food Vision and values.

Food Solutions New England

Issue Briefs


This issue brief is part of Food Solutions New England’s Campaign for Climate Resilience. The purpose of this campaign is to advocate for community-led solutions to create a climate-resilient food system that is, by its very nature, equitable and in which the trends toward consolidation of food production and distribution are reversed.


This issue brief will focus on a Just Transition in agriculture and how its pursuit builds soil health and vice versa.