Vermont Community Foundation Makes 28 Grants To Local Non-Profits


vegetablesThe Vermont Community Foundation (VCF) has been changing the future of many non-profit organizations across the state. VCF’s latest press release announced that they awarded $60,500 for grants to more than two dozen nonprofit organizations, with the most common single amount awarded being $2,500. Let’s look at the incredible work that the VCF is helping to achieve.

What Is the Small and Inspiring Grant Program?

VCF calls the program “Small and Inspiring Grants.” The funds are aimed at helping people connect to their land, their history, and their neighbors to make the community stronger. The availability of healthy locally sourced food is central to these projects as it is essential that people have access towards consuming their recommended nine servings of fruit and vegetables per day. VCF wants to assist small projects in creating an impact throughout Vermont. Here is a sampling of some of the grantees:

  • The Root Social Justice Center – The funds will be used for new programming to build, organize, and support a connected and vibrant community of Southern VT people of color. One of their initiatives is Soul Food Sundays, where people socialize, heal, and share food.
  • New Community Project – They are using the money for the Sustainable Living Center’s organic gardens. This will provide produce for families and individuals struggling with food security.
  • Friends of Hiland Hall Gardens – The grant will go toward a sustainable program for pregnant teens. The focus will be on giving back, building marketable business and agricultural skills, self-care, gardening and growing, and healthy cooking.
Further Assistance In the Coming Months 

There are going to be two more rounds of grants awarded this year. The program will fund Vermont nonprofit organizations who want to spearhead projects that connect people:

  • To the environment in ways that encourage respect and stewardship
  • With opportunities for positive social benefit and interaction
  • To people in meaningful and deep ways that are grounded in acts of generosity

It is important to note that VCF prefers not to use the Small and Inspiring Program to fund local food sourcing for low-income Vermonters because they have a separate program that awards hundreds of thousands of dollars to such projects. The Food and Farm Initiative helps with food insecure populations, farm-to-school, and local food. To learn more about the Small and Inspiring Grants Program, visit the Vermont Community Foundation website.


Sally Phillips is a professional freelance writer with many years experience across many different areas. She made the move to freelancing from a stressful corporate job and loves the work-life balance it offers her. When not at work, Sally enjoys reading, hiking, spending time with her family and travelling as much as possible.