Helen Costello

Network Profile: Helen Costello

Helen “HC” Costello is the Program Manager at the New Hampshire Food Bank, a distributor and supplier to hunger relief agencies serving food insecure community members. In 2014, the New

Headlines and Stories

“Meet Food Solutions New England” BostonVoyager, October 30, 2017 “Keeping Maine Edible” Rosie DeQuattro, ZEST Maine, Summer/Fall 2017 “Thinking Big & Bold: How the Kendall Foundation Is Transforming New England’s Food System”

With the interest in local food booming, the NH Food Alliance is answering the call for more connection and collaboration within the Granite State food system. On Tuesday, November 17th the

SCLT gardener

Joseph Medina is an apprentice with Southside Community Land Trust (SCLT) and a resident of Providence. Every week, Joseph harvests fresh produce from City Farm, a three-quarter acre urban farm in the

Rock the Boat graphic

Rocking the Boat for 20 Years!

Policy decisions and market mechanisms that turned farms into food production machines with grave ecological, health and economic consequences are being mirrored on the marine side. Fishing is being turned

Close-up of a row of jars of locally made jams, jellies, and honey

Here is a selection of mentions for the work of Food Solutions New England, the New England Food Vision and FSNE’s 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge. You may encounter some