Special from our colleagues at The Carrot Project Ray Shatney and Janet Steward have been raising prizewinning Highland cattle on their family farm, Greenfield Highland Beef, in Greensboro Bend and
By Union of Concerned Scientists and the H.E.A.L. Food Alliance Farming offers a powerful path to build community wealth and resilience to challenges such as water pollution, droughts and floods,
By Julius Kolawole as told to Ivy Scott, published in the Boston Globe. Julius is the FSNE Ambassador for Rhode Island. They say, “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps.” I
Resources that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have released to support food sector and agricultural workers and employers in response to COVID-19. Agriculture Workers and Employers- Interim Guidance
Cross-posted from WhyHunger.org The People’s Agroecology Process emerged in 2015 as a grassroots-led initiative to scale out agroecology in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. It was inspired by
Originally published on GoLocalProv.com Nessa Richman and Michael G. Henry The COVID-19 pandemic is laying bare an alarming problem with our food system. The market channels linking farms and fisheries
Dear Friends, Seven years ago, the Food Solutions New England network declared that racial equity must be central to the food system we are collectively creating in our region. While
Originally published on Friends of the Earth website Congressman Don Young’s “Keep Fin Fish Free Act” protects oceans from floating factory farms WASHINGTON – U.S. Congressman Don Young (R-Alaska) introduced the
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 8, 2020 Policy contact: Rosanna Marie Neil, NAMA Policy Counsel, rosanna@namanet.org Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance Statement on White House Executive Order to Expand Factory Fish Farms
From The John Merck Fund, one of FSNE’s network partners NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 20, 2020 New philanthropic collaborative supports region’s farmers and food producers in responding to COVID-19
Guest post by Chris Gagliolo, special to FSNE for the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge My name is Chris Gagliolo. I am from Peabody, MA which is a suburb about
By Michelle Cruz My hands…dirty from hours in the soil toiled by the ancestors My skin…glistening to deep mocha as I soak in our same sun…deep earth…revolutions apart My plants…think
Guest post by Michele Holt-Shannon of New Hampshire Public Radio special to FSNE for the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge We Need to Talk I sat on a C &