The shock to U.S. food chains from the coronavirus has been a boon to small- and mid-sized farms and distributors. Could it be the start of a new way to
Originally published in the Boston Globe People go hungry not from lack of food but from lack of political power. BY FRANCES MOORE LAPPÉ Today’s multiplying threats are truly scary
Originally shared by Deb Heleba of Northeast SARE on the NESAWG Listserv. I’m sending a reminder that Northeast SARE is currently accepting preproposals for its Research and Education, Professional Development,
Originally published in Mainebiz. A new program by the Maine Harvest Federal Credit Union will pay closing costs for farmland sales or refinancing, a move aimed at taking advantage of
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 8, 2020 Policy contact: ​Rosanna Marie Neil, NAMA Policy Counsel, ​ Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance Statement on White House Executive Order to Expand Factory Fish Farms
From The John Merck Fund, one of FSNE’s network partners NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 20, 2020 New philanthropic collaborative supports region’s farmers and food producers in responding to COVID-19
The following letter to the editor from Food Solutions New England was published in the Boston Globe in response to their recent editorial on the future of food. Thanks to
Vanessa Garcia Polanco
Food Tank’s interview with Network Leadership Institute participant Vanessa Garcia Polanco originally appeared on Food Tank’s website. Vanessa Garcia Polanco’s passion for food and agricultural policy arose from the influences of