Maine Live: Amanda Beal

Network Team member Amanda Beal, Director of Maine Farmland Trust, discusses the importance of food policy and begs the question “is there really a food movement underway?” on Maine Live.
Connecticut State Senator, Network Team member, and CT Ambassador Marilyn Moore toured two of Green Village Initiative (GVI)’s community gardens in Bridgeport and met with a group of GVI youth
Hard Tellin‘ is a series of mini-documentaries produced by Knack Factory for the Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association. These videos highlight the importance of the fishing industry to Maine’s economy, tourism industry, heritage, future,
This post from Eva Sollberger orginally appeared on Seven Days Vermont. Butterworks Farm is a beloved Vermont institution, a small-farm success story in the Northeast Kingdom. Many recognize the Jersey cow
Congresswoman Chellie Pingree
This interview by the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation originally appeared in their Healthy Food Fund News. Congresswoman Chellie Pingree is a Democratic member of the United States House of