Abstract This paper re-evaluates the contributions to global food supplies of ‘aquatic animal-source food’ from aquaculture and capture fisheries, and ‘terrestrial animal-source food’ from livestock farming. Three common misunderstandings in
From the National Farm to School Network Schools and early care and education (ECE) sites have always been a vital access point for meals for children. During this emergency, the
By Union of Concerned Scientists and the H.E.A.L. Food Alliance Farming offers a powerful path to build community wealth and resilience to challenges such as water pollution, droughts and floods,
Cross-posted from WhyHunger.org The People’s Agroecology Process emerged in 2015 as a grassroots-led initiative to scale out agroecology in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. It was inspired by
Measuring Up: A Fall 2017 Metrics Blog Series (header)
This installment was originally posted on the Farm to Institution New England (FINE) blog.   INSTALLMENT NO. 4 of 6 As interest in local food procurement increases at the institutional level, purchasers